Episode 85: Losing Weight Is A Personal Choice

So, you’ve decided to lose weight and work towards your dream body but there’s someone in your life who won’t just keep their thoughts to themselves – UGH! It can be so difficult working on yourself when you have friends, family or even colleagues who want to have their say, so in this episode I’m here to remind you that it’s nobody’s business except your own!

Today’s episode features some important advice on how to confront these negative voices within yourself (and others) and how to unapologetically be yourself because girlfriend… weight loss has to be for YOU!

If you’re ready to shake off the bad vibes and achieve the body of your DREAMS then check out thesororitynutritionist.com/membership now!

xoxo, Lauren

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    I want you to know... weight loss can & should ALWAYS be fun! 

    Registered Dietitian & weight loss expert  

    Hey Babe! I’m Lauren. 

    Follow @sorority.nutritionist for my HOT GIRL tips!