Episode 274: Is Eating Too Much Protein Sabotaging Your Fat Loss?

On today’s episode I am sitting down solo to discuss one of the most common questions I get asked both in my DMs and during coaching sessions: “Can eating too much protein actually sabotage my progress and be the reason why I’m not losing weight?”

Protein is so important when it comes to fat loss because of it’s appetite suppressing benefits and how it helps you target fat loss while keeping your muscle when dieting… but that doesn’t always mean more is better. That’s why in this episode I’m going to break down situations in which eating more protein is better for your goals alongside also sharing other scenarios in which if you’re eating too much – it can actually hold you back from seeing progress, and why.

By the end of this episode, you’ll understand why setting a specific protein target based on your body’s actual needs should be top priority if you want to shed fat and gain tangible tips on how to structure a high protein diet that works with your goals, not against them.

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xoxo, Lauren

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