17. MICHELLE’S STORY: Losing 10 Pounds While Ditching Fad Diets & Eating FUN Foods!

On this week’s episode, Lauren is joined by her past client Michelle, a Fashion Stylist fit babe who felt like the fad diets were not working for her and getting no results.

The duo discusses everything from being able to enjoy fun foods, it’s a marathon, not a sprint, showing up for yourself, and saving your “calorie money”. Michelle was dealing with headaches and feeling hungry all the time. Lauren’s method helped her gain the confidence to be her own hype woman.

Tune in to hear some juicy fashion tips to keep that fit babe confidence.

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Connect with Lauren on Instagram: @sorority.nutritionist

xoxo, Lauren

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    I want you to know... weight loss can & should ALWAYS be fun! 

    Registered Dietitian & weight loss expert  

    Hey Babe! I’m Lauren. 

    Follow @sorority.nutritionist for my HOT GIRL tips!