Episode 81: How to date and diet

Whether you’re single and ready to mingle, in that honeymoon phase or have been married for years – so many of us find that dating and entering relationships can make our weight loss goals more difficult. In fact, it can sometimes even lead to weight gain. While most of our partners tell us how sexy we look no matter what, we all know weight loss and feeling our hottest isn’t about them – it’s about making sure WE feel our best!

That’s why in this episode, we’re talking all things losing weight and maintaining your results in relationships. I dish on all things “boyfriend portions”, how to stay fit and healthy while still having fun on date nights, and how to get your significant other on board with your weight loss journey.

Single or taken, you don’t have to go through this weight loss journey alone girlfriend! Join the TSN Membership at thesororitynutritionist.com/membership now to start working towards your dream body!

xoxo, Lauren

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    I want you to know... weight loss can & should ALWAYS be fun! 

    Registered Dietitian & weight loss expert  

    Hey Babe! I’m Lauren. 

    Follow @sorority.nutritionist for my HOT GIRL tips!