Episode 75: Quick fixes are a QUICK way to gain weight

When you’re getting ready to ring in the new year, there can be HUGE pressure on taking the next year by storm. So when you see you favorite influencer sharing detoxes and cleanses, it can definitely feel tempting to try…. but STOP RIGHT THERE! If you’re getting the urge to do a big cleanse in order to speed up your weight loss or even “jumpstart” your journey – it’s time for your weight loss BFF to save you with some hot girl real talk.

In this episode, I explain why quick fixes may work short term on the scale but end up leading to weight regain alongside how you can quiet hte noise of all these fad diets and instead just focus on your healthy, science backed weight loss journey. Plus I even call out some of the worst fad diet offenders to be wary of!

If you still want to have a little “new year, new me” moment, why don’t you download my free weight loss training video at https://thesororitynutritionist.com/hot-girl-guide!

xoxo, Lauren

    Join my free video training on how to literally start losing weight so you can finally become your sexiest self!

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    I want you to know... weight loss can & should ALWAYS be fun! 

    Registered Dietitian & weight loss expert  

    Hey Babe! I’m Lauren. 

    Follow @sorority.nutritionist for my HOT GIRL tips!