Episode 68: Dr. Megan Rossi On: Calories are NOT Created Equal

This episode we are talking all about the gut, and why your gut health freaking matters… especially when it comes to your weight!

Today I am joined by the incredible Dr Megan Rossi, also known as The Gut Health Doctor. Dr Rossi founded The Gut Health Clinic in London to make an evidence-based approach more accessible and get people’s guts back on track. We talk about how to eat yourself healthy and create a great gut and we bust some myths on common misconceptions about gut health friendly eating.

Take Dr Megan’s quiz to find out if your gut is healthy!

If you’re ready to get the body of your dreams by figuring out why your weight loss is a hot mess, apply for TSN Group Coaching at thesororitynutritionist.com/tsngroupcoaching now!


Gut health with Dr Megan Rossi

Bio overview: Dr Megan Rossi, The Gut Health Doctor, is considered one the most influential gut health specialists internationally. A practicing Dietitian and Nutritionist for the last decade and with an award-winning PhD in gut health, Dr Rossi is passionate about empowering others to take control of their health and happiness from the inside out.

Bringing together a team of gut-specialist registered dietitians, Megan founded The Gut Health Clinic in London to make an evidence-based approach more accessible and get people’s guts back on track. Passionate about making a meaningful difference in people’s lives, Megan is also a member of the IBS Network Expert Advisory Board and Bowel & Cancer Research UK Research Grants Committee.

She is also the author of 3 books; Eat Yourself Healthy, Love Your Gut and her new release title coming out later this year, Eat More, Live Well; a product developer of Bio&Me, a prebiotic yogurt, and a recipe content creator

xoxo, Lauren

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