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Episode 114: Weight Loss Works if YOU Work it

How to stop getting in your own way and actually stick to your diet and exercise plan to lose weight.

Often, when it comes to weight loss (or just life!) it’s not external factors holding you back from achieving your goals… it’s actually you. When you have all the knowledge and logic to know how to eat and exercise for your goals, why is there always something stopping you?

That’s why in this episode I am here to help you take action and stop this vicious cycle because girlfriend… you know you can achieve your goals, you just need to put in the work! To help you break through everything that’s holding you back, I also share the 3 most important questions to ask yourself if you know what to do, but you’re just not doing it. 

Not sure why your weight loss is a hot mess? Take this FREE quiz to find out what type of weight loss woman you are, and what you can do about it:

If you want a diet program tailored to you and has helped thousands of women reach their goal weight, try coaching with me and find out what can be possible. Apply for coaching here:

xoxo, Lauren

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    I want you to know... weight loss can & should ALWAYS be fun! 

    Registered Dietitian & weight loss expert  

    Hey Babe! I’m Lauren. 

    Follow @sorority.nutritionist for my HOT GIRL tips!