grab the bundle $25

Back on Track Bundle

what's included


The Back on Track Bundle was created to help you prevent unwanted weight gain when life gets busy so you can stop eating chaotically and instead nourish your body with the right macros to boost your metabolism and enhance fat burning. It provides an easy approach to building meals that doesn’t make you feel deprived and constantly craving more food, that way you can control your appetite by eating enough protein and fiber at meals. It is the perfect plan to get back on track with your goals and teach you how to keep your weight loss off for life.

what's included


In this plan you’ll find:
  • Get Back on Track Grocery Lists: One list is a regular essentials list with animal products like chicken and turkey, and the other version is vegetarian-friendly
  • Simple Meal Prep Recipes: Focusing on the 3 areas of your plate that are required to target fat loss and shed fat
  • Mix and Match Metabolism Meals Guide: The easiest way to create meals if you’re tight on time and don’t want to spend a lot of time in the kitchen

the bundle includes:

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