Episode 28: The truth about intuitive eating

This week on The Sorority Nutritionist Podcast, Lauren goes solo to drop some truth bombs about intuitive eating. If you’re not familiar with intuitive eating, it’s a non-diet approach to break the cycle of chronic dieting and heal your relationship with food…. However, Intuitive eating is NOT a weight loss approach, nor is not the same thing as mindful eating! Lauren shares her thoughts on the difference between intuitive and mindful eating, how both approaches affect weight, and the real purpose of calorie tracking.

Lauren also gets REAL about some of the most popular “weight loss” diets (hint hint: Weight Watchers, Beach Body, Noom) and why the way you lose weight is so damn important for your long term results!

Here’s a glance at this episode…

  • (3:45): Lauren shares the purpose and origin of intuitive eating
  • (7:10): Lauren dives into the 10 principles of intuitive eating and the difference between intuitive and mindful eating
  • (10:55): Lauren says “I agree that we do have to reject the diet mentality… but I don’t think calorie tracking, looking at your food choices, knowing what a portion size is by tracking your food choices, and at the core, reaching an aesthetic goal, is a disordered or bad thing.”
  • (13:30): Lauren shares “The Weight Watchers, Beach Body, Noom, bars, shakes – these diets don’t work. We know they don’t work. Just because they have some science-backed principles, doesn’t mean it’s the right approach to sustainable weight loss.”
  • (15:10): Lauren says “At TSN, it’s a safe place that if you want to lose weight and change your body composition, any day can be your day 1. It’s okay to want to lose weight and change your body – but it’s how you do it at the core that is absolutely the most important thing you need to be reminded of.”
  • (16:40): Lauren states “It doesn’t matter what you look like, it matters how you feel!”
  • (16:55): Lauren shares a convo she had this week with one of her private coaching clients about why our lowest weight isn’t always our happiest weight
  • (20:45): Lauren dives into questions submitted by TSN podcast listeners about intuitive eating
  • (25:00): Lauren says “With my framework, I want you to use calorie tracking, but use it to build awareness. We want to use calorie tracking the right way, because there are a lot of freaking wrong ways to use calorie tracking.”


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xoxo, Lauren

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    Registered Dietitian & weight loss expert  

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