This week on The Sorority Nutritionist Podcast Lauren goes solo and gets real about making the choice to take action NOW to help you achieve your weight loss goals!
Lauren jumps in by sharing an excerpt from a fit babe’s post inside The Sorority Nutritionist Membership that inspired this week’s episode! She discusses taking action on your weight loss journey now, because there’s no sugar coating it here babes – taking a step (even if it’s a small step!) towards bettering yourself is a huge improvement, especially if you are feeling lost or unmotivated! If you are looking for the motivation to start hitting your weight loss goals, or need a push getting back on the wagon, this is an episode for you!
Here’s a glance at this episode…
- (1:53): “Fun foods can always fit! It doesn’t take the holidays to eat a freakin cookie!”
- (2:30): “I just don’t think that being in the mindset of ‘Just enjoy the moment and have the cookie’, that’s not what many of you need to hear!”
- (3:08): “This woman wrote ‘SOS – I am struggling BIG TIME!…'”
- (4:14): “I always like to say that whatever step you take, it is a step. And the fact that you are even taking a mother-fricken step is a huge, huge thing ladies, it’s a huge milestone that you’re even taking the step to better yourself and making an effort.”
- (5:50): “If you don’t take action now… what the f*ck is going to happen?!”
- (7:03): “I really want you to know that, just even taking any sort of action – especially if it’s during the holidays babes, there’s always one little step you can take that’s going to propel you and put you in the right direction for your weight loss goals… ”
- (9:36) “Everything I preach to you guys is built upon the fact that small things add up!”
Click here to listen
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