Episode 185: BONUS: How Much Weight Should You Be Losing Every Week?

In this week’s mini episode, I tackle a question you’ve probably wondered about on your weight loss journey… How much weight should you be losing every week?

If you’ve wondered what normal weight loss is and if you’re doing this journey “right” – you’re going to LOVE today’s episode!

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Let’s be friends on Instagram: @sorority.nutritionist

PS: Are you loving the podcast? I’d greatly appreciate it if you took a hot second to leave a rating and review of the show. That way it can reach other amazing women who want to lose weight and see results without sacrificing their relationship to food. Love you girlfriend!

xoxo, Lauren

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    I want you to know... weight loss can & should ALWAYS be fun! 

    Registered Dietitian & weight loss expert  

    Hey Babe! I’m Lauren. 

    Follow @sorority.nutritionist for my HOT GIRL tips!